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tv   The Real Story With Gretchen Carlson  FOX News  March 6, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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own experience in the delivery room to keep the father calm and help him through. the operator has eight kids of his own. >> oh, my gosh. >> the couple has three other children. now four. the mom said this was her easiest birth. >> and fastest i'm guessing. >> i'm alisyn camerota. >> i'm bill hammer. here is gretchen, see you tomorrow. united states, european allies slapping sanctions on russia as it refuses to back down on ukraine. hi, everyone. i'm gretchen carlson. pro russian troops tightening the grip and pushing russia to leave ukraine to join russia. they set a referendum vote on secession, a vote president obama called a violation of international law. travel bans. european union suspending trade meetings with moscow and threatening to withdraw from g-8 summit in sochi. all this as russian navy sinks
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an old ship in the sea. why did they do it? to block ukrainian ships from entering or leaving port. president obama urging an aid package for ukrainian government. >> i want to be clear there's also a way to resolve this crisis that respects the interest of the russian federation. there's been a lot of talk about the issues. i'm calling on congress to follow up these words with action, specifically to support the imf's capacity to lend resources to ukraine and provide american assistance for ukrainian government.
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>> meantime u.s. military boosting its presence now in eastern europe sending a dozen f-16 fighter jets for air patrol. neighbor poland. a navy destroyer for preplanned training drills. republican senator lindsey graham member of appropriations budget and judiciary committee. a busy guy. good to see you, senator. >> great to be with you. >> i just went through a long list of actions that the united states is doing with regard to russia and ukrainian. >> good. >> you must be much more satisfied today. >> better late than never. no. this is trending in the right direction. sending fighters to poland to help with baltic patrolling. calling this election in a couple weeks about the status of the crimea illegitimate and outside of international law is a great step. here is what i worry about. i don't see how in the world you could call this a fair election.
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how would you like to be in the crimea and vote against him today when he occupies the place? >> no doubt. >> about no russians in crimea, i can understand the uniform thing a bit, but where did the nine russians get the armored personnel carriers and tanks. >> also relevant that putin appears to not be backing down as of yet. we mentioned he sunk a russian clip so ukrainian ships can't get out. what do you make of that? >> it means the russians are provocative toward crimea an ukrainian. putin is lying. this is a russian invasion of
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crimea. nobody can cast a free vote under the fate of crimea under these conditions with an armed invasion. they are in violation, russians are, of 1994 agreement where the ukrainian people turned over their nuclear weapons to russia in exchange for a promise by russia for territorial. they are in violation of international law. when you sink a ship in a country's harbor, that's an act of war. >> senator, i have to bring you back to some tweets you posted in the last couple of days. i don't know if you've tweeted yet today or not. >> a little bit. >> here is what you said. it started with benghazi.
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when you kill americans and nobody pace a price, you invite this type of aggression. #ukraine. would you rephrase that now or say the same thing? >> gosh no. it's just a long list. when have you a consulate overrun in libya and you know where the chief suspects are and do nothing about it, no one pays a price for killing four what kind of signal do you think it sends. when the president says we're going to bring the people who killed these four americans to justice and the leader of the pack is doing cnn interviews and no one is doing anything about it in our government. you till syria, you better not cross this red line, use chemical weapons and nothing happens, they get stronger, not weaker, the list goes on and on and on. f policy for quite a while. when you kill americans and nothing happens, when you threaten retaliation against a dictator like assad, uses chemical weapons and crosses a red line you set, nothing happens, you invite aggression. you see it all over. when you leave iraq, everybody thinks you're weak. >> lindsey graham sticking to his ground today. we'll follow your tweets. senator, thank you. >> thanks. keep it up, mr. president. another fox news alert, a war of words erupting between republicans and democrats. after yesterday's fiery house oversight committee hearing involving former irs official lois lerner, here is make of that dust-up between congressman darrell issa and elijah cummings. >> if you will sit down and allow me to ask a question, i am a member of the congress of the united states of america. i am tired of this. >> well -- >> we have members over here each who represent 700,000 people. you cannot just have a one-sided
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investigation. it is absolutely something wrong with that and it's absolutely un-american. >> now congressional black caucus leader in ohio, congresswoman marcia fudge saying, mr. issa is a disgrace and should not be allowed to continue in a leadership role, end quote. telling chairman issa within his rights to do what he did. congressman issa said several republicans apologized for chairman issa's behavior but the two have not spoken since the incident. the house now voting on a motion to punish chairman issa. this is a live picture right now. we'll keep you posted how that turns out. speaking of lois lerner, house oversight committee chair issa was on the record last night. here is what he had to say about holding her in contempt of congress next.
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>> the speaker called that he thought that was appropriate today. our committee will consider it. i've conferred with some of my members. i plan on meeting with them before i leave this week. we could consider doing it as early as next week. >> judge napolitano, fox news senior analyst is my guest on this. >> hi, gretchen. >> perfect guest for this. will will house do through with contempt for lois lerner. >> ordinarily if a witness is summoned to testify before the house and the witness invokes protections of fifth amendment, that alone is an insufficient basis for contempt. contempt means you failed to comply with a lawful order. >> house did it with eric holder whereas to fast and furious. >> in the case of eric holder, the house found by a preponderance of the evidence he failed to answer questions accurately by failing to give documents demanded. what do they say she did wrong? remember a few months ago she pleaded the fifth but said, by the way, i didn't do anything wrong. that "by the way i didn't do
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anything wrong" could be construed as a waiver of your amendment. once you waive one tiny waiver, you waive it all. issa's view it's waived. contempt, doesn't have force of law. they would have to go to a federal judge and have a federal judge decide she waived it. >> what are the chances it would compel her to testify? >> very slim. it cannot be done in a rapid way. very slim. their best hope with her, gretchen, is to give her immunity. then she will have no fifth amendment protection. she with her lawyers is negotiating for immunity. chairman issa last week said she's going to testify, looks like we have immunity. when he said that, her lawyers stopped the negotiation. >> it's in the fine print, with regard to employer mandate and
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obamacare, they are now extending that, of course, for employers. but within that there's this fine line print that talks about the fact the government and irs specifically will be able to tell small businesses when they can hire people and when dismiss them based on that 50 mark. >> this is damnably
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unconstitutional. i would rarely use a phrase that strong. in this law affordable care gave to irs, one of those pages nobody read everything, gave them authority whether firing or letting them go is a legitimate business decision or done to get you under the 50 person limit. if you have 50 or fewer employees, you don't have to provide health insurance. if you have 51 or more you have to provide it. if you have 51 on monday and tuesday you have 49, the irs is going to come in and make you justify why you got rid of those two. if you got rid of those two two avoid paying health insurance they are going to order you to hire back. unprecedented in american history. >> fighting back and wanting more answers from irs. we'll continue to follow it. judge, always great to see you. >> a lot to follow. thanks. a key republican calling for obamacare watchdog to keep tabs on $1.8 trillion the government expects to spend on the program in the next 10 years. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel live on capitol hill. what's the case? the law so massive going across federal agencies. no current official has authority to provide comprehensive oversight. an example of when they used it in the past for iraq reconstruction, when they oversaw $60 billion in spending. afghanistan reconstruction when they say more than $102 billion and the 2008 bank bailout known as t.a.r.p. where they saw $700 billion saving bills of dollars
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in taxpayer money. now you look at the president's health care law and estimated price tag of 1 $1.8 trillion and the sponsor says makes common sense. >> if it's good for iraq, afghanistan, good for the t.a.r.p. program, it's certainly good enough for something that has an impact on every single american, every single american business and is a cost of $1.8 trillion. it deserves that level of scrutiny and respect even on behalf of the advocates of the bill. >> house leadership aide says strong, smart legislation,
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timing for a vote on the house floor hasn't been set yet, gretchen. >> now going to ask the you, any reaction from the other side of the fence, democrats. >> they say they feel like there is enough oversight out there. here is house democratic leader nancy pelosi. >> each of the agencies of government that are implementing the committee -- the law, the affordable care act, have their own inspectors general. i think the system has appropriate oversight. i don't see any reason to go to that point. >> pelosi says what she knows about it, she does not support it. ross cam says this is such a massive law thereto federal government this kind of oversight is needed. gretchen. >> mike emanuel live for us. thank you. dramatic 911 capes from a family member as a preg plus what else we're learning
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about the mother. obama care deadline. nothing to do with politics. why naming dozens of democrats facing tough races coming up in a few months. day one of cpac. what we're hearing about republican leaders holding the party together.
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the president doesn't regret dismissing mitt romney's claims that russia is our top geopolitical foe. listen to this. >> mitt romney
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i think it's hardly a demonstration of -- it's not a positive thing for russia that ukraine has been moving in this direction. our whole point is it doesn't have to be a negative thing. it is a mistake certainly in the long run for russia not to
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accept the fact that ukrainian people should decide for themselves in a democratic matter how they will integrate with europe. doing so does not mean they can't maintain their long historical and economic ties to russia. >> that was jay carney explaining the difference between obama and romney's take on russia. meantime white house taking a rare step naming the democrat who helped craft latest keep your plan fix for obamacare which avoids a new wave of cancelations before the midterm elections. more than a dozen dems in the house and you notice they are all up for re-election with most named considered vulnerable. what do you make of this? it's rare for white house to single out democrats, hey, helped craft the law. >> usually they normally tell us
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those are private conversations we don't talk about those. this time they were up front about that for obvious political reasons. these are folks who need to be seeing trying to put distance between themselves and obamacare or between themselves and where the president was in this case going ahead and saying these are the people who dragged us to this new policy. they hope that will protect some of these democrats, especially senate democrats. those are folks who aren't getting votes in the senate in order to distinguish themselves. we had a vote in the house where a couple dozen house democrats were able to say, no, we want to delay the individual mandate. they were able to take a vote that shows a difference between them and the president. this was really about the senators yesterday. >> the other interesting senator landrieu down in louisiana is pushing a bill she believes so-called bad apple plans forever and ever. >> she's closer to where republicans are than where president obama is. again, obviously there's policy
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there that matters. she does believe if you have your plan and like your plan, you should keep it, the promise that was made. it's also about finding that difference between her and president obama and hoping voters back home don't see her as essentially one of obama's troops. they say her as an independent senator. >> even though she voted for obamacare, just to set the record straight. stephen dinan, thanks so much. >> my pleasure. >> working to inspire the crowd at cpac. >> we need to repeal every single wordobamacare. >> as other goppers call the party creative tensions. drama at the blade runner murder trial. a witness describing what oscar pistorius did and said right after he fatally shot his girlfriend. live with that story. plus massachusetts highest court siding with a guy arrested for secretly taking a picture up a woman's search, actually upper skirt on the train.
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the shocking ruling that upskirting at least in massachusetts is legal. that brings us to the question of the day. do you think the law should be changed? tweet me @gretchen carlson.
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graphic testimony today in the murder trial of paralympian. a neighbor on the scene describing the behavior following the shooting of his girlfriend. the athlete accused of murdering reeva steenkamp seen here thought he was shooting an intruder. joining us live from johannesburg, paul, what did this witness say? >> gretchen, high drama in court
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today, indeed. oscar pistorius sat in front of me shaking, crying, clasping his hands over his ears as described during shots he arrived at the house to find a woman, this was reeva steenkamp in the entrance. >> first thing he said when i arrived there. he said, i shot her. i thought she was a burglar and i shot her. >> reporter: this was the most dramatic moment of the trial so far. cameras at one point that pistorius's heavily heaving body that he was about to vomit. one family member passed him a plastic bag. at times to me it looked like he couldn't stand to hear any more. but the worst was yet to come. >> further, i saw there was
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blood and hair and what looked like brain tissue to the right of the skull. >> reporter: everyone in the court sat in stunned silence as the doctor continued. >> oscar was crying all the time. he prayed to god to please let her live. she must not die. >> reporter: the most graphic memory in court i have is after the cameras switched off, when court was adjourned. his sister sat hugging blade runner in silence for minutes, their heads down. just one final thought, though. it needs to be asked, gretchen, why this witness, whose testimony seems to favor pistorius defense should have been put on the stand now by the prosecution. gretchen. >> very interesting. captivating. paul, thanks very much. old school republicans and
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tea party activists coming together. it's all family at cpac. chris christie gets a standing ovation and ted cruz gets a round of applause. a big one. what we're hearing from potential presidential hopefuls about party unity in the gop. thousands of president obama russian sources tighten the grip on crimea. what's the latest? >> reporter: crimean voted to join the union. our secretary of state john kerry speaks from rome and the president speaking from white house on sanctions and the rest of america's options as this crisis intensifies. live from kiev and beyond right after this. ♪
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coming to you from capitol hill where the house just voted to table efforts by democrats to punish chairman issa for his conduct at the recent irs hearing that happened yesterday. >> those in favor say aye. >> those opposed say no. >> no. >> nos have it. >> well, the vote was 211 to 186, which was along party lines. ten members voted present. more headlines, u.n. asking security council to take action against north korea for firing two ballistic missiles in the past week calling the move clear and calculated violations of u.n. sanctions. interpol said it received a request from the ukrainian
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government calling for arrest and extradition of viktor yanukovych. >> sbarro filing for bankruptcy. the move could come early next week as it struggles with lackluster sales. meantime white house announcing new sanctions as pro russian forces tighten their hold in ukraine. thousands of activists, riot troops now in complete control of crimea. the parliament there voting to break off from ukraine and actually join back in with russia setting up a referendum vote next week, a move president obama says violates the country's constitution and international law. shepard smith live in ukraine. shep, what's the latest from there? >> the parliament vote came as a bit of a surprise from down in crimea. ten days from now march 16th, people of crimea are to vote on whether they want to stay with the mother land, as in russia,
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or continue as citizens of ukraine. that vote would ask two questions. do you want to go or stay. if they vote to go, that would mean all state property in crimea would be turned over to russian federation, russian ruble adopted, in addition all the soldiers in crimea would have to lay down their arms, pledge allegiance to russia, join the russian military or return home to ukraine. if not, they would be seen as occupiers. as you mention, all of that is illegal under ukraine's constitution, the integrity of the country is to remain the same under an agreement from 184. secretary kerry spoke from rome where he said talks will continue to try to push russians back from this brink. in addition the president's sanctions would mean anybody who cooperated with this ukrainian uprising in russia, anyone who hurt the effort here on part of the ukrainian government would
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say sanctions. not specific where ukrainians or russians. there's a lot of devil in the details but right now we don't know the details. >> we heard from ukraine's interim prime minister. he spoke today. what was he saying? what was he wanting? >> he was saying in essence, this cannot be. how is it possible in the year 2014 we could have a nuclear nation invading a sovereign country and the world basically do nothing. he said he doesn't want to fight. he said the military cannot with stand forces of the russian. in the spirit of the revolution that happened in the square behind me the people of ukraine will fight, they deserve to be a sovereign nation a lot of movement including the european union where they instituted sanctions today. we'll keep you updated through the afternoon and i'll see you at the top of the hour, gretchen. >> major applause when
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conservatives gathered in maryland at cpac. earlier congressman ryan said gop should welcome differing points of view, dismisses reports of a republican civil war. instead he's encouraging debate he says, calling conflict in the party his idea of a big family union. >> the way the left tells it, the republican party is in a big massive civil war, tea party versus others. i don't see a big divide in the party. what i see is a vibrant debate. sure, we have our disagreements. yes, they can get a little passionate. i like to think of it as creative tension. >> fox news contributor, also at cpac today and bernard whitman, former pollster for president clinton and democratic strategist. great to see both of you gentlemen. >> good afternoon. >> hello there. good afternoon. >> tony, how did paul ryan's remarks go over when he called so-called conflicts in the
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republican party creative tension. >> i think right on the mark. it's more like a family reunion, at least my family indeed, gretchen. the two most electrifying moments came when he had ted cruz on the stage and governor chris christie. when you see the media on the left trying to promote this divide as a weakness, i agree with congressman ryan, it shows a real strength of the party, motivation to allow this battle of ideas. as we've heard today many times, the republican party has to reclaim the mantle based on the strength of conservative principles. one of the reasons, you heard it a lot, we played too much option party and not enough offense. this is one of those things we're enriched by diversity of ideas and opinions. >> bernard, you must have not liked the fact chris christie took to the stage and got a standing ovation. >> doesn't matter too much. he's talking to cpac, which is
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the far right wring of the republican party. i have to say paul ryan's spin is something i even can be proud of. it may be a family reunion. at the end of the day we're not trying to elect one of our family members to be president of the united states. the american people are very, very clear. only one in five of them consider themselves to be tea party republicans. only one in ten say they are very conservative. the problem with cpac, these activists are on the far right, fringes of american politics. they flood the iowa caucuses and new hampshire primary in south carolina, they force the party to the extreme right in a way that's going to present candidates in a general election that never could be elected. if you look at the fox news poll, hillary clinton trounces chris christie, jeb push, trounces ted cruz, rand paul. >> i'm not sure how this group of people gives chris christie a standing ovation. the number one critic or critique of chris christie is that he's not conservative enough. be that as it may, i want to you
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listen to ted cruz who got a huge round of applause when he said this. >> we need to repeal every single word of obamacare. they said this is hopeless. don't you understand, just move on. just accept it. you can't do anything to stop this. yes, we can. >> tony, what was it like to be there and hear that? >> sounds a little familiar, right, bernard, from 2008, yes, we can. obamacare is a disaster and bringing democrats down. they are going to lose the senate. they are going to lose at least six if not up to ten seats. even chris matthews has admitted that. bernard, with all respect, you're living in a fantasy land if you think people at cpac some party. quite the contrary. governor christie pointed out we have governors, deep republican gmps in deep blue states and purple states in this country who are successful being
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conservative, putting out policies that are conservative. when people are exposed, wisconsin, florida, ohio, michigan, and new jersey they select republicans. >> lets get bernard back in here. bernard, you didn't really answer the question the first time around. you must have not liked the fact chris christie got a standing ovation. >> i think it's fine. but here is the thing, cpac is terribly interesting for political insiders but it doesn't represent mainstream of the republican party let alone mainstream of america and here is why. chris christie gets a standing ovation, ted cruz gets a standing ovation for saying we're going to repeal every word of obamacare. the vast majority of american people don't agree. they want progress, they don't want politics, brinksmanship, shut down the government. they want the sides to come together. repealing obamacare which you've tried 42 times ain't going to work. people want solutions. >> 42. i think the president has changed obamacare 33 times so far. maybe the numbers are get
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similar. got to wrap it up there. tony, bernard, have a great day. >> say hi to my friends down there, tony. a new push for american made products coming up. this from the pentagon. could those only wearing sneakers made only in the usa. pope's popularity soaring as he has new comments on women and their role in the church. what he has said about women and civil unions coming up next. honestly? i wanted a smartphone that shoots great video.
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i guess the family gets to keep the dough. fantastic news. oscar mayer offering iphone users a chance to wake up and smell the bacon. the company giving away devices that plug into the phone and release the alarm and a bacon smell. sneakers exempt from a rule saying defense department has to purchase boots and other items made solely in the u.s. a new report revealing pope francis may be considering a larger role for women in the church. the pontiff reportedly saying it would develop decision making power. a poll saying half catholics view pope francis very favorably, a third most favorably giving a net favorability rating of 85%.
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joining me, great to have the both of you. father, we've seen in the last few months someone who steps out of the box. understatement of the century. now he's talking about women having some power in the church, maybe leading departments. he's also talking about civil unions. really? >> well, of course women should have decision making power authority in the church. that's the most obvious, natural thing in the world. the fact we're talking about it shows the need for it. that does not mean, therefore, women should try to do exactly what men do in the church. men and women are different. the pope has also made very clear that for example, the priesthood as jesus set it up, is supposed to be a paternal inspiration, supposed to be the imitation of jesus who set it up in this way. if you look at the priesthood all about power, you've got it
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messed up. women should be in charge of many things. >> correct me if i'm wrong, you're saying you're fine with women coming into certain avenues of the catholic church but not participating in the service. >> i think this is very good to clarify what the pope says. this happens time and time again when he gives one of these interviews. he gives an interview and the press goes wild and the vatican has to release a clarification, which is what he actually meant. one of the things i hear over and over again is that statement but also ordination ofwomen women priests is a closed door. that's off the table. that's the problem when he starts talking about a larger role for women. people naturally jump to the conclusion he's talking about the ordination of women. that's not going to happen. what he's saying also he called the church feminine. the church is called the bride of christ. his idea is if the church is feminine, lets bring in the feminine role. >> i think in the protestant faith, which i am, when i bring my kids to church on sunday they
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see a lot of women, including female ministers, et cetera. you're not saying you agree with that nor are you saying you believe the pope is agreeing with going that far. >> not in the area of priesthood. i think, for example, women should be in charge of departments, in charge of offices where they might be my boss and i would be totally okay with that. >> that's a huge change. >> absolutely a big change. i think a lot of the problems in the catholic church over the last 10, 12 years we've seen, including the sexual abuse issue, would have been handled a lot differently if women were involved, if mothers were involved. >> i want to move onto the next thing. civil unions, he also gave a statement he would be open to civil unions. a lot of people jump to the conclusion that meant gay marriage. father first. >> he never uttered the word "civil unions." in fact, it was a question that a reporter quoted, a major newspaper in italy asked him saying states are making certain
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laws where gay partners are able to visit each other in hospitals, for example, or financial arrangements, et cetera. he said we need to see them case by case. that's of course a gay partner should be able to visit somebody they love in the hospital, right, but that's a very different thing than saying gay marriage is acceptable. >> the idea -- from that interview, the first thing he said out of his mouth was marriage is between a man and woman. states want to regulate certain situations of cohabitation. he says there's a reality of how people live. there's a doctrine of what the church believes and practices. somehow these two have to work together. >> he's just being human, as he is, the way he answered that. fascinating discussion. >> off the cuff in a very direct way, i love it. >> he's driving us forward. great to see both of you. what if you're in a public space and a cell phone peeping tom snaps pictures or video up your
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skirt. think that's illegal or legal? the answer may shock you next. j. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm. [bell ring] "roll sound!" "action!" ♪ ♪ ♪
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you heard about skirting, right? when somebody takes a cell phone photo up a woman's skirt. a court has ruled it's all legal. molly, it may be sad we have come to this, but what are peep in massachusetts saying about this? >> i have heard words like, outrageous, and ridiculous to describe the massachusetts supreme court ruling saying it's not a violation of state law to take these upskirt photos unless the woman is not nude or partially nude. this happened on the transit? i. the officers had gotten word there was man riding the system that was taking these photos so
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they created a sting. they sent a female detective in and caught man named michael robertson, in the act, say the prosecutors. there's a raw to prevent people from photographing people in a public bathroom or dressing room where people have a reasonable expectation of privacy when they're in the nude or partially nude.
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that's when i am bleeding like hell so i called 9-1-1.
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i'd be dead.
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he saved my life. it's deadly. >> jack says he was asleep in his home when it began to fill with the odorless gas himself dog dragged him out of the bed to the kitchen where the finally woke up and called 9-1-1. he got max from a german shepherd rescue organization a year ago. have fantastic day -- i'm going to do one more. avocado lovers rest easy. turns out no reason to panic. chipotle saying it only included the warning in a recent sec filing. there's a routine risk to exposure and i'm going to go
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practice apocalypse and several other words i messed up today. now we'll go to ukraine and shepard. >> good evening from kiev where developments have been coming in. russian solidifying its control as local lawmakers say they're on onboard with moscow. observessers have been blocked from entering the crimea, and the russians sinking one of the own ships. you'll see exactly why it happened. breaks now. u.s. lawmakers are all but done vote on promising a billion dollars in aid to ukraine. a lot of news today, so let's get to it.


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